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Island Explorers: an inspiration for the Island Schools project

The project “Island Explorers” was developed by the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance (SCELG) and the University Research and Knowledge Exchange Services (RKES) of the University of Strathclyde. The program provides teachers and pupils with a ready-made, but adaptive, program using islands as geographical context, to provide pupils with a unique challenge-led learning opportunity bringing together multiple disciplines (geography, social sciences, science, engineering, technology, and entrepreneurship) to explore sustainable development using real-world contexts, and build new international youth networks. This program has been adapted to suit the composite classes on small island schools, which is a major inspiration for our project. Therefore, we are delighted to have the University of Strathclyde on board to share the wealth of experience they have build up in four years since Island Explorers started.

The University of Strathclyde is a leading international technological University located in the heart of Glasgow, Scotland’s biggest city. They have become a major technological institution with a wide reputation for research and learning since the 1890s. They were UK University of the Year in the Times Higher Education Award 2012 and 2019.

For Island Schools, they will be predominantly responsible for contributing to the teaching and learning toolkits, working closely with island schools to ensure that materials are properly adapted to their unique contexts. In addition to that, the University of Strathclyde will coordinate the matching scan tool which the project will develop to bring island schools together.

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